Volume 6, Issue 3 (March 2022)
Special Issue “Indelible / Indelebile: Representation in the Arts of (In)Visible Violence Against Women and their Resistance”*
Guest editors: Luciana d’Arcangeli and Claire Kennedy
“Transcending Appearances” by Lucienne Fontannaz
“Through the mirror, within her and beyond visual appearances, the woman sees new depths of knowledge”.

Introduction: Indelible / Indelebile (Non-refereed) (Luciana d’Arcangeli and Claire Kennedy)
Literary works and analysis of literary works:
Prose poem “Christmas Day” / “Il giorno di Natale” (Stephanie Green; Italian translation by Luciana d’Arcangeli)
Potiphar’s Wife and Susanna: An intersectional reading of the biblical episodes (Genesis 39:6-20; Daniel 13) and a medieval Latin rewriting (Benedetta Viscidi)
Folktales and patriarchal ethics: Case study of the persecuted maiden in Giambattista Basile and Margaret Atwood (Matteo Cardillo)
The human-animal: Primality, rape, and resistance in Charlotte Wood’s The Natural Way of Things (Christie Fogarty)
Short story “Vagina Protest” (Elaigwu Ameh; with recorded reading by Luciana d’Arcangeli)
Creative practice:
Seeing through the bars; speaking our way out: How creative work helps us confront (in)visible violences in tertiary education and beyond (Corinna Di Niro and Amelia Walker)
Imaging Affront, Crisis and Survival (Essay, non-refereed) (Lucienne Fontannaz)
Daphne: A violent libretto, annotated (Non-refereed) (Fleur Kilpatrick)
TV series:
Violence and the “Gothic New Woman” in Penny Dreadful (Stephanie Green)
A double take on sexual violence: Mirroring Spain’s La Manada rape trial in the television series La otra mirada (2018-2019) (B. Elisabeth Sim)
Italian cinema:
La vita (im)possibile delle donne nel cinema italiano (Foreword, non-refereed) (Vito Zagarrio)
Vesna va veloce: resistenza attraverso realtà e fantasia (Valentina Ippolito)
* This special issue was inspired by the conference “Indelible (Eng) / Indelebile (It) – Representation in the Arts of (In)Visible Violence Against Women and their Resistance”, held in Adelaide, Australia, 23-25 October 2019, funded by the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS).