Submission of papers
FULGOR welcomes the submission of unpublished papers on topics in the fields of French Studies, Italian Studies, Modern Greek Studies, Spanish Studies, Applied Linguistics, Language Education, and Migration Studies.
Articles should be written in such a way that they are also accessible to educated, non-specialist readers.
Since FULGOR is an electronic publication, the submission of articles that include hypermedia links to material both within and outside the article is strongly encouraged.
Selection process
Articles submitted to FULGOR go through a two-step selection process.
Step 1: Editorial Board review
Submissions to FULGOR are first assessed internally by the Editorial Board. To be recommended for Step 2, articles must:
fall within FULGOR's designated research fields
meet the academic standards for articles published in FULGOR
Following the Editorial Board's assessment, contributors are notified by e-mail of the Editorial Board's decision. Reasons for the Editorial Board's decision may be sent to unsuccessful authors upon request.
Step 2: External peer review
Submissions that meet the Editorial Board's requirements are then sent out for blind peer review to experts in the field. Following the external review, the authors are sent copies of the external referees' comments and are notified as to whether or not the article is accepted for publication in FULGOR.
Contributors may expect to be notified of the outcome of their submission to FULGOR within three months of receipt of articles by the Editors.
The Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish any contribution submitted, and its decision is final. Rejected papers will be returned only if requested. The responsibility for the content of any contribution published by FULGOR rests with the author.
The Board also reserves the right to make editorial or stylistic changes as deemed appropriate.
FULGOR owns the copyright for any article published in the journal. Permission may be granted to reproduce elsewhere articles originally published in FULGOR; however, written permission must be sought from the Editors.