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Authors are asked to observe these requirements for submission to FULGOR:


1. Articles should be submitted electronically by e-mail attachment to the Editors ( or in Microsoft Word format. 


2. Articles should be preceded by an abstract in English not exceeding 200 words. It should summarise the major claims and conclusions of the article.


3. While English is the preferred language, articles may also be submitted in French, Italian or Spanish.


4. Articles should not exceed 5000 words, including notes and bibliography.


5. Articles should be typed with double spacing. A single font (Times New Roman, 12) should be used for the main text and footnotes (Times New Roman, 10).


6. The first line of the initial paragraph should not be indented. The first line of each subsequent paragraph should be indented by using the tab key and not the space bar. Do not leave line spaces between paragraphs.


7. Full stops should be followed by one space only before the first word starting the next sentence.


8. Quotations of less than 30 words in length should run in the text and should be enclosed within double quotation marks. Single quotation marks should be used for quotations within quotations.


9. Quoted passages which exceed 30 words in length should be separated from the main body of the text by the space of a line above and below. The quoted section should not be enclosed within quotation marks and should have 1 cm right and left indentations. Double quotation marks should be used for quotations within quoted passages.


10. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. If included, they should be numbered consecutively and grouped together at the end of the article, after the REFERENCES section (see 11.), under the heading NOTES.


11. References within the text to other sources should contain the name of the author, the year of publication and the relevant page number(s) (e.g. Smith 1992: 23). Where reference is made to more than one article of a book published by the one author in the one year, each article or book should be given a letter designation attached to the date (Bailey 1983a). References should be grouped together at the end of the article under the heading REFERENCES and arranged in alphabetical order of the authors' names (see sample references below).


12. Tables, figures, graphs, etc. should be numbered consecutively and should have a title that indicates the nature of the data being presented. Illustrative material (e.g. graphs) that cannot be typed must be presented in camera-ready form to the editors.


13. Technical terms, names or organisations, etc. that appear as sets of initials should be given in full form when they first appear in the text, with the abbreviated form in brackets (e.g. foreign language (FL)).


14. Foreign words and phrases, including Latin expressions, should be in italics.


15. Abbreviations in the text should be avoided whenever possible, unless they are common (e.g.; i.e.; etc.). Contractions (which are distinguished from abbreviations by the presence of the final letter) do not require full-stops ('ed.', but ‘eds’).


16. Dates should be given without internal punctuation (e.g. 27 October 1992). Decades should be in figures without an apostrophe (e.g. 1950s).


17. Authors should conform to British spelling (e.g. civilise, organisation, travelling).


18. When referring to a book title in the main text and in the REFERENCES section italics are used.


- If the book is in English, capitalise both the main title and the sub-title (except for prepositions and conjunctions) (e.g. The Age of Fear: A Study in Religion and Society).


- If the book is in French, Italian, Modern Greek or Spanish, lower case is used after the first word (e.g. Le petit prince).

When referring to the title of a journal article only capitalise the first letter of the title and the first letter of the subtitle (e.g. Mental translation: What’s new?). Do not use italics or single/double quotation marks.


19. We encourage contributors to submit their manuscripts in non-discriminatory language.


20. The submission of articles including hypermedia links to material both within and outside the article is strongly encouraged.


© 2022, FULGOR, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

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